
Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)"

This is step by step how to remove "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" in your blogspot. For safety reason please backup your template.

Removeing "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" using CSS

  1. Go to "Layout" | "Edit HTML"
  2. Now, find this line of code below
  3. body {
    For fast searching copy line code above and then Hit CTRL+F and paste.
  4. Replace line code above with the folowing code
    body {
  5. Save your template and View your blog.
If you fail or anything bad happens, restore your backup template.

How to remove "Powered by Blogger"

This is step by step how to remove "Powered by Blogger" in your blogspot. For safety reason please backup your template.

First way, removing "Powered By Blogger" with removing widget Attribution1

  1. Go to "Layout" | "Edit HTML"
  2. Give Check on "Expand Widget Templates"
  3. Now, find this line of code below
  4. <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
    For fast searching copy line code above and then Hit CTRL+F and paste in Find Box.
  5. Remove this code from your template
    <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
        <div class='widget-content' style='text-align: center;'>
          <b:if cond='data:attribution != &quot;&quot;'>

        <b:include name='quickedit'/>
  6. Save your template and View your blog.

Second way removing Powered By Blogger using CSS.

  1. Go to "Layout" | "Edit HTML"
  2. Give Check on "Expand Widget Templates"
  3. Now, find this line of code below
  4. body {
    For fast searching copy line code above and then Hit CTRL+F and paste.
  5. Replace line code above with the folowing code
    #Attribution1 {display: none;}
    body {
  6. Save your template and View your blog.
If you fail or anything bad happens, restore your backup template.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Google Search in your blog

Step by step installing Google Search in your blog.

  1. Go to Your "Dashboard"
  2. Click "Design"
  3. Make sure, you are in "Page Elements"
  4. Click on Add a Gadget.
  5. Window "Add a Gadget" will be shown.
  6. Look for "Search Box" and Click it
  7. You will be redirect to page "Configure Search Box"
  8. If you have done configure it. click Save and view your blog
  9. Look at your blog. Google search engine has been installed in your blog

Monday, November 15, 2010

Google Translate in your blog

Step by step installing Google Translate in your blog.

  1. Go to Your "Dashboard"
  2. Click "Design"
  3. Make sure, you are in "Page Elements"
  4. Click on Add a Gadget.
  5. Window "Add a Gadget" will be shown.
  6. Look for "HTML/Javascript" and Click it
  7. You will be redirect to page "Configure HTML/Javascrip"
  8. Type this on title "Translate this blog".
  9. Copy code below and then paste in the content

    <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
    function googleTranslateElementInit() {
      new google.translate.TranslateElement({
        pageLanguage: 'en'
      }, 'google_translate_element');
    </script><script src="//"></script>

    Your configuration should be like this:
  10. And then "Save".
  11. Google Translate has been installed on your blog. just look at your blogger

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parameters in Blogspot feed

 This post presented for me to understanding the "Query Parameters in Blogspot Feed". As we know, the URL to get feed items of our blog is You can review this feed after as my blog feed : or you can use your own blog to experiment.

There are two options how to using your blogger's feed

  1. Using your blogger's address :
  2. Using your blogid :
The Blogger Data API supports the following query parameter:


Meaning - Alternative representation type
We can use one of the folowing values :
  • If wedon't specify an alt parameter, the service returns an Atom feed. This is equivalent to alt=atom
  • alt=rss returns an RSS 2.0 result feed (for reads only)
  • alt=json returns a JSON representation of the feed
  • alt=json-in-script Requests a response that wraps JSON in a script tag
  • alt=atom-in-script Requests an Atom response that wraps an XML string in a script tag.
  • alt=rss-in-script Requests an RSS response that wraps an XML string in a script tag.
  • alt=atom-service Requests an Atom service document that describes the feed.
For example : or
This will returns type of feed as a JSON.


Meaning - Category query filter
Specifies categories (also known as labels) to filter the feed results.
For example, or
This will returns entries with the label or category of blogging.


Meaning - The Maximum number of results to be retrieved or
This will returns entries with 2 results.


Meaning - The order in which to return entries, such as lastmodified (the default), starttime, or updated. or
I do not know how to using lastmodified and starttime!

published-min, published-max

Meaning  - The bounds on entry publication dates or


Meaning - The 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved or
Test by yourself, you can change number on start-index=1

updated-min, updated-max

Meaning  - The bounds on entry update dates.
These query parameters are ignored unless the orderby parameter is set to updated or
Test by yourself again :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Create a Mailing List for Your Blogspot

When you create "New Post" entry in blogspot, You may want to alert all your blog's friends. But blogspot only has the options send to list of up to 10 email addresses to have your blog mailed to whenever you publish. Using Google Groups we can forward this e-mail to a whole list of people in our group.

Step by step creating a Mailing List with google group

  1. Create your Google Group, you must have GMail Account to do this, if you don't have, You can sign up for a GMail Account free.
  2. Invite your blog's friends to join in new Google Group
  3. Set your blog to send e-mail to your new Google Group, In your Blogger Dashboard, Select setting, Email & Mobile, and then In the BlogSend Address enter the e-mail address for your Google Group.
  4. Create Promotion's Box. Back to your google group homepage, go to Group Settings, General, Public website, promotion box, and then copy HTML Code shown in there. That HTML Code should like this:
    HTML Code:
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: white; padding: 5px;"><tbody>
    <img alt="Google Groups" height="30" src="" width="140" /></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px;">
    <b>Subscribe to Is it dull?</b></td></tr>
    <form action="">

    <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px;">
    Email: <input name="email" type="text" />
    <input name="sub" type="submit" value="Subscribe" /></td></tr>
    <tr><td align="right">
    <a href="">Visit this group</a></td></tr>
  5. Put your code in your Blogspot. Back to your blogspot, in your Blogger Dashboard, and click on "Layout". Click on "Add a Page Element" (the sidebar one will be best). Select the "HTML/JavaScript" option. Now paste in the HTML code you copied earlier. Click "Save Changes" and take a look at your blog!
    You'll see like this :

    Google Groups

    Subscribe to Is it dull?


    Visit this group

How to Getting Started in blog?

I just getting started in blog, and I don't know what will I do in this blog.
Anybody want to help me How to blogging? or maybe anybody want to learn blog together with me?

I'm so sorry if I can't speak english very well. Because my native language is Bahasa Indonesia. I want to learn english too.

Give me your suggestion about

  1. How to Customize my Blog?
  2. What Are Pages?
  3. Where can i learn about Language Structure used by Blog?
  4. What are the best widgets for my Blog?
  5. Can i create a Mailing List for my Blog?
  6. How to Get my Blog to Appear at the Top of Searches?

I really need it. Would you like share with me?