
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Create a Mailing List for Your Blogspot

When you create "New Post" entry in blogspot, You may want to alert all your blog's friends. But blogspot only has the options send to list of up to 10 email addresses to have your blog mailed to whenever you publish. Using Google Groups we can forward this e-mail to a whole list of people in our group.

Step by step creating a Mailing List with google group

  1. Create your Google Group, you must have GMail Account to do this, if you don't have, You can sign up for a GMail Account free.
  2. Invite your blog's friends to join in new Google Group
  3. Set your blog to send e-mail to your new Google Group, In your Blogger Dashboard, Select setting, Email & Mobile, and then In the BlogSend Address enter the e-mail address for your Google Group.
  4. Create Promotion's Box. Back to your google group homepage, go to Group Settings, General, Public website, promotion box, and then copy HTML Code shown in there. That HTML Code should like this:
    HTML Code:
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: white; padding: 5px;"><tbody>
    <img alt="Google Groups" height="30" src="" width="140" /></td></tr>
    <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px;">
    <b>Subscribe to Is it dull?</b></td></tr>
    <form action="">

    <tr><td style="padding-left: 5px;">
    Email: <input name="email" type="text" />
    <input name="sub" type="submit" value="Subscribe" /></td></tr>
    <tr><td align="right">
    <a href="">Visit this group</a></td></tr>
  5. Put your code in your Blogspot. Back to your blogspot, in your Blogger Dashboard, and click on "Layout". Click on "Add a Page Element" (the sidebar one will be best). Select the "HTML/JavaScript" option. Now paste in the HTML code you copied earlier. Click "Save Changes" and take a look at your blog!
    You'll see like this :

    Google Groups

    Subscribe to Is it dull?


    Visit this group


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